Saturday, December 30, 2017

My Christmas Present

Yes! Who gave my FAVORITE childhood toy back to me Oh, him? THANK YOU SANTA CLAUS!
This is a picture of my Christmas present, Mr. Mooosie!

Sarbear back. So, the story told in UNDERSTANDABLE HUMAN WAYS is this:

One of Sienna's first toys was an identical moose. She destroyed it around last year. She is SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO happy to have him back!

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Merry Christmas

I got an early Christmas present- a YUMMY blue bone! This is a video of me playing with it:

Friday, December 22, 2017

I Hate The Crate

This is Sienna talking again:
I was playing in the snow which is fun but not when I come in. When I come in I have to go in the crate to "dry off". Why can't I be wet?

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Copper's First Snow and Cone of Shame

So, this post will be written by Sienna.
Hey guys! Guess what? My puppy cousin (my aunt's Airedale terrier) Copper had an eventful last week-two weeks.
Yesterday. there was that big snow where I live and that was his FIRST MAJOR SNOW! 
The other eventful thing is he was neutered and had to wear the cone of shame. Ha. Ha. Ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Saturday, December 9, 2017

E-Mail Hacker

This is outdated, but Sienna has "hacked" my E-mail before.
This is our exchange:

Sienna (from my e-mail address): "Dear Sarah, be nice to Dad and give him lots of hugs.

Me: "Nice try Dad. 1:29 [the time the email was sent- I was probably at ... [JM's] soccer game. I know your wrote this- I checked my email twice today on the i-Pad and that was only to see if ... [G] had replied. Nice try again!"

Dad: "Sienna was on the computer at that time, not me!
PS If you had read the signature, you'd know that silly."

Me: "Yeah well she can't type or log onto my email. And by the way, stop LYING?"

Sienna (from Dad's email): "Yes I can. Daddy told me your password was '...'. That is an insult! It should be siennaisthebestdogever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sienna (the best dog ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
And by the way, don't use a ? when you mean to use a. or a !"
My dad is a teacher- further proof it was him!
There's more but I don't want to type it out.