This is outdated, but Sienna has "hacked" my E-mail before.
This is our exchange:
Sienna (from my e-mail address): "Dear Sarah, be nice to Dad and give him lots of hugs.
Me: "Nice try Dad. 1:29 [the time the email was sent- I was probably at ... [JM's] soccer game. I know your wrote this- I checked my email twice today on the i-Pad and that was only to see if ... [G] had replied. Nice try again!"
Dad: "Sienna was on the computer at that time, not me!
PS If you had read the signature, you'd know that silly."
Me: "Yeah well she can't type or log onto my email. And by the way, stop LYING?"
Sienna (from Dad's email): "Yes I can. Daddy told me your password was '...'. That is an insult! It should be siennaisthebestdogever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sienna (the best dog ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
And by the way, don't use a ? when you mean to use a. or a !"
My dad is a teacher- further proof it was him!
There's more but I don't want to type it out.