Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The Story of Woofie

Woofie is owned by Robin and is a crime, fighting dogs.
 She fights E-Fetch, created and made by Bane.
Woofie came into bean this way:
Me and Jake couldn't decide whut da hutt to do. I wanted to pay dogs, and he wanted to pay super heroes, so we paid a   combination and ROBIN AND WOOFIE WUZ BORED!She has tons of anenomes, such as Puppy Flash, Dog and Puppy Lantern, Cody, Scout, Ace, Krypto, Iron Dog, Captain  Dogland, and many, many, more. She has one true friend, named Meh-heh (who is an E-Fetch spy who spies on woofie for e fetch and spies on efetch for efetch who likes fetch)

All About Woofie

Hi! I'm Sarah.
All About Woofie:
She is a Hoppi puppy ( a made-up breed) and and Me-She Puppy (a made-up magical type of dog).She is owned by Robin.
Thanks to-
1. Jake Baird
2. Sienna, my dog

1.Jake is the boy pushing me
This is all very confusing,right? Go to the next page called  "The Story of Woofie"